Causes & Treatments of Acne Breakouts

Causes & Treatments of Acne Breakouts

There are many different types and causes of acne, and getting clear on which one we suffer from can help us determine how to best combat it. We'll briefly discuss the most common forms of acne and how to help:

Pimple Types:


A whitehead is the most common type of pimple, and it happens when bacteria is trapped in a pore, which irritates the pore and causes inflammation, making it trapped and puss filled. We often pop whiteheads but should be careful as to not press too hard as we can often make them look even worse if we pick at them.

Cause: Food sensitivities, hormones, clogged pores, oily skin, etc.

Treatment: Keeping skin clean, fully removing makeup before bed, utilizing non-comedogenic products (won't clog pores), eating healthy and getting the proper vitamins and nutrients.


A blackhead is very common as well, and is often found on our cheeks, nose, and chin (but can occur anywhere we have pores!) It's bacteria that has been trapped in a pore and has oxidized, which makes the black hue. 

Cause: Clogged pores, wearing makeup to bed, oily skin, lack of exfoliating regularly, food sensitivities, etc.

Treatment: Regular exfoliation, keeping skin clean, fully removing makeup before bed, utilizing non-comedogenic products (won't clog pores), eating healthy and getting the proper vitamins and nutrients.


You can feel a cystic pimple coming on well over a week in advance at times. It's painful and forms deep underneath the skin, and normally doesn't come to a head. It appears as a big red, inflamed bump and can last several weeks before it heals and starts diminishing. You should never pick at or try to pop a cyst, as it can cause scarring and hyperpigmentation (dark spots.)

Cause: Food sensitivities, hormones, lack of proper nutrition, etc.

Treatment: Prescription medication from a dermatologist, eating the proper foods and staying clear of foods that trigger breakouts, getting the proper vitamins, etc.


A nodule is much like a cystic pimple but it is rock hard and very uncomfortable underneath the skin. It's very sensitive to touch, red and inflamed. This is the most severe type of breakout and heals very slowly. Often leaves behind a dark spot in it's place where it can stay on the skin for months before lightening. If picked at, these can cause bad scarring.

Cause: Food sensitivities, hormones, lack of proper nutrition, etc.

Treatment: Prescription medication from a dermatologist, eating the proper foods and staying clear of foods that trigger breakouts, getting the proper vitamins, etc.

Food Sensitivities and Nutrition:

One common thread between all types of acne is how it can be affected by the foods we eat. Many of us are sensitive to dairy, sugar, and greasy foods - and if we kept a regular food diary we could easily link our breakouts to our eating habits. It's hard to get the full daily values of nutrition that we need every day, and that's why taking a daily vitamin is so helpful. It ensures that we're getting the nutrients we need to be healthy.

Blemish Blend is a daily multivitamin specifically formulated to help clear breakouts on an internal level - by stopping acne before it starts. Read more about how our product fights acne here.



*Disclaimer- We are not doctors and cannot provide any medical advice. If you believe you have any food sensitivities or nutritional issues, please contact your doctor before starting any new supplements.

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